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Yuga Labs May Face a Potential Class-Action Lawsuit Over Apecoin and NFT Sales

According to the international law firm Scott+Scott’s website, there’s a possibility that the non-fungible token (NFT) company Yuga Labs may be threatened with a class action lawsuit for generally promoting “the growth prospects and change for huge returns on investment to unsuspecting investors.”

As a result, Yuga Labs’ individual investors are now joining together through a class action brought by law firm Scott+Scott, to seek restitution for losses incurred from the purchase of Yuga Labs tokens and NFTs. If you suffered losses in association with the purchase of Yuga Labs tokens or NFTs between April 2022 and June 2022 you are encouraged to reach out to Scott+Scott to learn more about your legal rights.

The law firm Scott+Scott covers a lot of different legal proceedings and complex litigation in Europe and the United States. Scott+Scott is involved in securities litigation that involves high-profile names like Edison International, General Mills, Intuit, Roblox Corporation, Tesla, Transunion, and Twitter.

What do you think about Yuga Labs facing a potential lawsuit over apecoin and BAYC NFTs? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.


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