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Is that suspicious email in your inbox a phishing scam?

Post Views: 339 An employee at MacEwan University got an email in 2017 from someone claiming to be a construction contractor asking to change the account number where almost $12 million in payments were sent. A week later the actual contractor called asking when the payment would arrive. The email about the account number change…

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Deepfakes could help us relive history—or rewrite it

Post Views: 410 They produced a video in which young singers clad in period uniforms and carrying period weapons sang “Hareut,” an iconic song commemorating soldiers killed in combat. As they sing, the musicians stare at faded black-and-white photographs they hold. The young soldiers in the old pictures blink and smile back at them, thanks…

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Neuroscientists are mapping all 100 billion cells in the human brain

Post Views: 342 The task of understanding the inner workings of the brain has fascinated both philosophers and scientists for centuries. Aristotle proposed that the brain is where spirit resides. Leonardo da Vinci drew anatomical depictions of the brain with wax embedding. And Santiago Ramón y Cajal, with his 1906 Nobel Prize-winning work on the…

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What makes one pair of headphones better than another?

Post Views: 409 I am a professional musician and a professor of music technology who studies acoustics. My work investigates the intersection between the scientific, artistic and subjective human elements of sound. Choosing the right headphones involves considering all three of those aspects, so what makes for a truly good pair? In physics, sound is…

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There’s only one space treaty in the world, and it’s woefully out of date

Post Views: 363 The U.N. First Committee deals with disarmament, global challenges and threats to peace that affect the international community. On November 1, it approved a resolution that creates an open-ended working group. The goals of the group are to assess current and future threats to space operations, determine when behavior may be considered…

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How the federal broadband plan could affect your state

Post Views: 352 The recently signed Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act includes significant funding to expand broadband access, to help households pay for their monthly broadband connections and to help people learn how to productively use those connections. This legislation represents Congress’ first formal recognition of the essential nature of high-speed internet. Historically, broadband funding…

Workplace cellphone bans for ‘safety can put employees at risk ed

Workplace cellphone bans for ‘safety’ can put employees at risk

Post Views: 385 In the aftermath of a devastating tornado ripping through an Amazon warehouse in Edwardsville, Illinois, on December 10, 2021—killing six employees—the online retailer is reportedly reviewing its policy over mobile phone bans during working hours. Prior to the coronavirus pandemic, it was common for Amazon to require its employees to leave phones…