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Three spreadsheet tips to make beginners feel like pros

Post Views: 477 If you’ve lost yourself in the depths of TikTok, you’ve probably seen Miss Excel—real name Kat Norton—dancing in front of an Excel spreadsheet, teaching users how to freeze columns while busting moves to Vanilla Ice’s “Ice Ice Baby.” Even if you’ve never cared about TikTok, know that her spreadsheet skills are formidable….

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Stop typing and import data into Excel and Word with only your phone camera

Post Views: 315 Even importing data can be a complicated process. But Microsoft Excel’s mobile app allows you to take a picture of a table and paste the information directly into your spreadsheet. And no, that doesn’t mean sticking an image in there—it means the app can read, digitize, and paste the actual data into…

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Avoid boring, repetitive work by getting your computer to do it instead

Post Views: 331 These actions are typically called macros, though they go by various other names as well, depending on the software you’re using. You don’t need to have any coding knowledge to set them up, and they can save you a huge amount of time at your keyboard. If you’re using a software application…