How to see if Cambridge Analytica grabbed your Facebook data

How to see if Cambridge Analytica grabbed your Facebook data

Facebook and Cambridge Analytica. That’s what we’re all mad about now. Or maybe the more cynical among us are just rolling their eyes. Either way, aren’t you a little bit curious about whether Cambridge Analytica accessed your personal Facebook data? Soon we’ll be able to find out ourselves. Here’s how.

How to hide your photos in Google Photos using the new Locked Folder

How to hide your photos in Google Photos using the new Locked Folder


Master your Phone
How to hide your photos in Google Photos using the new Locked Folder
How to hide your photos in Google Photos using the new Locked Folder
5 min read
Authored by:
Zois Bekios Zannikos
3 months ago
How to hide your photos in Google Photos using the new Locked Folder
Google released a much-needed feature for Google Photos to all Android devices over the weekend. “Locked Folder” was a Pixel exclusive feature that allows users to conveniently store their images on their devices. This guide will explain how the Locked Folder works and how to set it up on Android phones.

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You can stop bots and spammers from calling you so freaking much

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