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Watch a team of robots launch and target a missile

Post Views: 402 The demonstration was part of a NATO exercise called Robotic Experimentation and Prototyping Augmented by Maritime Unmanned Systems, or REPMUS. The training ran for two weeks, concluding September 24, and was designed to facilitate collaboration between navies and robots from several nations. The REPMUS series of exercises began in 2019, and it…

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Poland’s new anti-aircraft system will hit stealth targets at supersonic speeds

Post Views: 454 “Flying at supersonic speeds, CAMM missiles can destroy modern air threats including stealth aircraft and high-speed missiles,” declared the British government, in a release. “Each CAMM family missile is equipped with an advanced active radar seeker that can see even the smallest, fastest and stealthiest targets through the worst weather and the…

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There’s only one space treaty in the world, and it’s woefully out of date

Post Views: 386 The U.N. First Committee deals with disarmament, global challenges and threats to peace that affect the international community. On November 1, it approved a resolution that creates an open-ended working group. The goals of the group are to assess current and future threats to space operations, determine when behavior may be considered…

Why Los Alamos lab is working on the tricky task of creating new plutonium coreswe

Post Views: 455 Inside a nuclear warhead, a plutonium pit is crucial to setting off the sequence of reactions that make a thermonuclear explosion. Inside the pit is a gas, like deuterium/tritium, and around the pit is chemical explosive. When the chemical explosive detonates, it compacts the plutonium around the gas until the core is…

India launched a torpedo from a missile

India launched a torpedo from a missile. Here’s why.

Post Views: 373 That recent test began with a countdown and a roar of ignition, and then the torpedo-containing missile hurtled into the sky. Billowing a trail of smoke, the missile turned from vertical to horizontal, its ultimate destination far more aquatic than celestial. The weapon being tested was India’s Supersonic Missile Assisted Release of…