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Watch a team of robots launch and target a missile

Post Views: 378 The demonstration was part of a NATO exercise called Robotic Experimentation and Prototyping Augmented by Maritime Unmanned Systems, or REPMUS. The training ran for two weeks, concluding September 24, and was designed to facilitate collaboration between navies and robots from several nations. The REPMUS series of exercises began in 2019, and it…

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The Army isn’t getting its fancy Microsoft AR goggles quite yet

Post Views: 348 The IVAS, or Integrated Visual Augmentation System, is a headset adapted from the Microsoft HoloLens. By integrating processing power, cameras, and a heads-up display, the idea is that any soldier with a headset can perceive more of the world around them. It is a tremendous promise: that high-tech goggles can let soldiers…

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General Atomics and Boeing will build a giant laser for the US military

Post Views: 382 The contract is to deliver a powerful, compact prototype of this laser weapon. General Atomics will build the laser, and defense giant Boeing will incorporate targeting and tracking tools and software, which allow the laser to find and hold focus on a moving target. This is crucial to preventing the laser from…

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The Army’s Infantry Squad Vehicle seats 9 and can be dropped from a cargo plane

Post Views: 372 The vehicle seats nine: two in the front, three in the second row, two people facing backwards behind the third row, and one person each facing outwards from the sides on the rear. The sides and seats are all open. Passengers can buckle into place, but there are no doors. This makes…

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Inspired by a seed, this rotating drone will make your head spin

Post Views: 331 Created by a team at the Singapore University of Technology & Design, this new seed-inspired one-wing drone is named F-SAM. It is a type of monocopter, or a helicopter with only one rotating blade. Engineers first developed a monocopter in 1913, with testing in 1915, but a problem arises in trying to…

download  ddabebe

Poland’s new anti-aircraft system will hit stealth targets at supersonic speeds

Post Views: 438 “Flying at supersonic speeds, CAMM missiles can destroy modern air threats including stealth aircraft and high-speed missiles,” declared the British government, in a release. “Each CAMM family missile is equipped with an advanced active radar seeker that can see even the smallest, fastest and stealthiest targets through the worst weather and the…