Podcast your favorite websites using Google Assistant to read a web page out loud

Podcast your favorite websites using Google Assistant to read a web page out loud

One of the most relevant features of Google Assistant on mobile is automating some everyday functions. Reading is a habit I practice every day, but lately using Google Assistant to read the news on my favorite channels has proven to be a great lifehack. So my tip today is how to read web pages with Google Assistant on your phone.

How to fix the Speech Services Waiting for network connection notification

How to fix the Speech Services Waiting for network connection notification

Is your phone showing a notification that cannot be closed about “Downloading English (US)” (or another language) update for Speech Services by Google, which is “Waiting for network connection” even though your phone is connected to either Wi-Fi or mobile data? Learn how to fix this stuck update and remove the notification from your Android phone.

How to use the Safe Mode to fix problems in your Android phone

How to use the Safe Mode to fix problems in your Android phone

Is your phone acting weirdly after installing an app or game, or do you want to troubleshoot problems that started to happen out of the blue? Learn how to use Android’s Safe mode to fix problems in your smartphone, especially when it is restarting without warning, crashing apps, freezing, or simply running slower than usual.

How to master Spotify queues and create custom mixtapes in a minute

How to master Spotify queues and create custom mixtapes in a minute

Spotify queues have been around for quite some time, but few people actually know and use the intuitive feature, resorting to Playlists instead. But meticulously curating a Playlist for every different mood is a tedious task, so for today’s coffee break, I will show you some tricks to modify and clear your Spotify queue to perfectly match every vibe.

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It’s time to purge the worst people in your social media feeds

Post Views: 323 Instagram has a way for you to see who you’ve interacted with least often: Tap your profile button (bottom right), then Following, and Least Interacted With. You’ll see the people you don’t often chat with or whose photos you rarely like and comment on. Simply tap Following to sever your Instagram connection…