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The US government is hunting for rare metals out West. That doesn’t fly with some locals.

Post Views: 474 In September 2020, geologist Jay Temple began living part-time at an RV park just outside Westcliffe, Colorado, a small high-altitude town. Located between two sets of mountains—the craggy Sangre de Cristos and the Wet Mountains—it is a geologist’s heaven. In Custer County’s Wet Mountain Valley, Temple investigates old reports of mineral deposits…

‘Lithium Valley’ could save one of the most polluted areas in California

Post Views: 350 The world and world leaders are working on turning away from gas powered mode of transportation and especially investing in electric vehicles (EV) as a solution to lower emissions. To keep up with the growing demand for electric vehicles, more lithium mining will be needed. Lithium is a metal used to make…

Green Home Systems Announces New Partnership with Enphase

Post Views: 311 Green Home Systems announces that they are adding Enphase energy to their solar energy systems. This comes shortly after GHS announces partnerships with LG Solar and SPAN. Who is Enphase? Enphase describes their journey as follows: “Founded in 2006, Enphase transformed the solar industry with their revolutionary micro inverter technology which turns sunlight into a…

Leading geotechnical and environmental engineering firms ENGEO and TerraCosta join forces

Post Views: 318 Two leading geotechnical and environmental engineering firms have come together to form a team that is unrivaled in technical excellence and client service. ENGEO Incorporated and TerraCosta Consulting Group (TerraCosta), a long-time San Diego firm, have combined to create California’s most comprehensive geoscience company, with more than 90 registered Geotechnical, Geologic and…