New Program Launches During American Heart Month to Help Children Recovering From Heart Transplant Surgery

New Program Launches During American Heart Month to Help Children Recovering From Heart Transplant Surgery

Post Views: 324 Enduring Hearts, a 501(c)(3) dedicated to funding research that improves longevity and quality of life for children living with a new heart, launched the Huggable Pillows Program in partnership with Paragonix Technologies to provide emotional support to children recovering from heart transplant surgery. Congenital heart defects (CHD) are the number one birth…

Enduring Hearts Donates Funds to Pediatric Heart Transplant Research

Post Views: 882 Enduring Hearts is proud to announce its new board member, Greg McClaire, to the Enduring Hearts team to head the expansion of its diversified heart families and build-out of its sports programs. McClaire has a background in sports science and plans to bring in sports programs that will keep people engaged. “I…