XR: empty buzzword or forward looking perspective?

XR: empty buzzword or forward looking perspective?

If you’ve been following the virtual reality / augmented reality, you’ve likely already gotten to know your three R’s: VR (virtual reality), AR (augmented reality), and MR (mixed reality). But you may also have come across a fourth: XR, the definition-blending cousin of the well-known trio that is popping up increasingly in the commercial and business world. Do we really need yet another R? Or just one to rule them all?

Harry Potter Wizards Unite: starting tips and professions guide

Harry Potter Wizards Unite: starting tips and professions guide

Harry Potter Wizards Unite augmented reality game is now available to play in the UK and the US, and Potterheads in these countries are already embarking on their quests to protect the Wizarding world’s secrets. All the game mechanics and options in are wrapped up in Potterverse jargon, so we’ll explain what’s going on to help you have the best possible start.

Google 3D Animals: How to use Google AR feature with your phone

Google 3D Animals: How to use Google AR feature with your phone

Augmented reality isn’t limited to just capturing Pokémons or attempting a dry run at arranging furniture in your home without having to break a sweat. One of the most fun uses of this technology is to bring pets, famous athletes, and even dinosaurs right into the comfort of your home using Google search. Learn how to maximize this feature in this tutorial.

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NFT Artworks by Artificial Paintings Will Serve as Keys to a New VR Metaverse

Post Views: 366 Artificial Paintings is an innovative art gallery specializing in paintings made by artificial intelligence. After its foundation in 2020, the company quickly gained attention thanks to its novel approach to visual art and the remarkable quality of the AI-created paintings. Works from the Artificial Paintings gallery are available for sale both as…