Traveling Exhibit Honoring Emmett Till, the Child Whose Murder Brought Awareness to Widespread Racism and Cruelty Will Open at The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis

Traveling Exhibit Honoring Emmett Till, the Child Whose Murder Brought Awareness to Widespread Racism and Cruelty Will Open at The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis

Post Views: 470 Heartbreak and sorrow, anger and outrage due to racism have haunted this country for decades. However, communities like Tallahatchie County, Mississippi are telling the truth of their past as they make a commitment toward racial healing and justice and as they work to provide a model of how to heal the nation….

McDonald’s Black Franchisees Continue To Face Financial Inequities

Post Views: 309 McDonald’s recently announced it would pledge $250 million over five years to help franchise candidates who may face economic obstacles. This five-year pledge is to be split between historically underrepresented groups. Meaningful change and progress require this kind of commitment and significant resources. “McDonald’s needs to address the systemic barriers to success…


Certified Blackity Black: Black Girl PR Officially A Black-Owned Business

Post Views: 662 Black Girl PR has been certified as a Black-owned and operated enterprise, as defined by U.S. Black Chambers, Inc. and its national affiliates. The firm received the certification from top Black business platform ByBlack, whose mission is to create economic opportunities for Black businesses and Black people in our communities. “Being a…