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San Francisco Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Usha Rajagopal, Gives Newfound Confidence to Clients Undergoing FTM Surgery

San Francisco Plastic Surgery & Laser Center, a premier provider of plastic surgery services in the Bay Area for over 20 years, is giving clients renewed confidence with its powerful VBeam Laser technology. The VBeam Laser is effective for clients looking to reduce scarring due to a variety of reasons, but one application with especially promising results is reducing scarring following Female-to-Male (FTM) gender-affirming surgery.

VBeam is one of the center’s most popular laser treatments. The FDA has approved it for use in over 20 medical indications, including post-procedural bruising, inflammatory acne, vascular lesions such as cherry angiomas and hemangiomas, spider veins, telangiectasia (commonly seen in rosacea), scars, stretch marks, port wine stains, and more.

The laser works by delivering a concentrated beam of light targeting oxyhemoglobin contained within blood vessels, vascular lesions, scars, and more. This light is then converted to heat, treating the targeted lesions while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged.

Dr. Usha Rajagopal, Medical Director, has successfully used the laser to reduce the appearance of scarring in the upper chest area for patients undergoing gender-affirming FTM/N surgery. The removal of breast tissue can lead to extensive scarring. But with VBeam technology, Dr. Rajgopal is helping patients reduce that scarring, leading to better post-surgery outcomes and giving patients an added boost of confidence in their new bodies. The treatments are quick, safe, and effective and require no anesthesia.

“Every body is different, and the ways our scars heal are very different, too. For those who may be left with noticeable or unsightly scars, the effects on their confidence can be devastating,” said Dr. Rajgopal. “The VBeam laser is an effective solution to reduce the appearance of scarring in a number of instances, including FTM chest surgery, which leaves a long scar across the chest. With targeted VBeam treatment, we are helping patients enhance the look of their bodies and regain their confidence with the reduction of unsightly scarring.”

To learn more about all of the services offered by San Francisco Plastic Surgery & Laser Center, including the VBeam laser

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