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Install large digital clocks by chomko LA for prominent night display

Chomko LA, LLC is a Pittsburgh based time Technology Company which manufactures huge range of clock systems for both indoors and outdoors and they use IP technology to provide flexible communication and accurate time.

Pittsburgh, USA, 21, June 2022 – –  Chomko LA, LLC is an US based time and communication management firm which has offices in Pittsburgh, PA and Atlanta, GA and has a well spread over loyal clientele across the country.  The company has expertise and global technology in time management equipment such as large outdoor digital clock and other clocks that are meant for schools, streets, parks, stadiums, sports grounds and other places where thousands of people confluence frequently. This time management leader is capable of producing both analog and digital clocks for different location and display and you can expect them to provide you with digits measuring 10-12” for bigger display. These digital clocks are always accurate and provide more details such as weather, temperature, day, date and time along with more information. It can operate with your existing computer network or GPS to obtain accurate time. The company also offers an array of color options besides different sizes for their digital clocks that you can install on building tops, posts, platforms and other lofty places.

Chomko LA is experts in school bell systems that are completely automated for operation and need no human assistance to run. You can buy the system to work with your old physical bells or install new bells and the system will work fine as it is capable of getting time update from GPS or your own computer network. Your school will never experience fault bell timings and never fail to ring because it is a programmable setup which can store bell schedules for weeks or months. The bell system comes with a master controller which can transmit signals to physical bells and activate them according to a pre-fed time table. It will be a revolutionary change if you have a old bell system which is manually operated.

School speaker system of latest technology is another area of expertise for Chomko LA as they can supply and install digital technology communication equipment that include tiny state-of-art speakers, which can grab audio signals out of the air using Wi-Fi and with plug-n-play capability. This system will perform a huge range of functions such as broadcasting live and recorded messages, fire alerts, emergency evacuation, separating announcement zones, and all in LED display and crystal clear audio. Visit more information and you can get in touch on phone numbers 404-334-0202 or (412) 482-3822 to clear your queries.  You can also send requests to them via email to and also get a free quote.

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