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How to use SEO to Grow your E-commerce Business

Organic traffic is a must-have for anyone running an eCommerce business. Unlike other sources of marketing traffic, organic traffic comes with free visitors and a free session of potential sales, as there are no marketing costs. However, in most cases, eCommerce business owners get trapped finding the right pattern for eCommerce SEO growth with uncertainties of developing landing pages that attract high traffic and perform excellently in search engines.

Unfortunately, unlike paid traffic, increasing your website’s visibility through SEO isn’t as simple as adjusting your initial advertising budget. That said, below are some tips for using SEO to grow your e-commerce business.

Proper use of keywords is undoubtedly the backbone of SEO. Unfortunately, keyword selection is more of making an educated guess with the help of tools and insights from various proven statistics. To begin, you should identify terms and phrases that customers in your industry use when searching for products. While this might be easy if the scope of your online business is small, you should be selective with their utilization.

For instance, if you sell key holders, it won’t be best to use the term “key holders” since this general term is very competitive and thus harder to compete with other websites with advanced domain authority. That said, target keywords with decent search traffic and the lowest possible competition. The best way of doing this is by adding a location of where your business operates. For instance, you can use the phrase “key holders in California.”

That aside, you can include other terms that define your business in the keyword to additionally make it less competitive. For instance, if you sell plastic keyholders, your keyword of choice can be “plastic keyholders in California.” Targeting these longtail keywords increases the chances of ranking better.

HTML tags, which include meta descriptions and meta titles, make it easy for search engines to understand your web page contents. Both are limited in the number of characters and should be used with a special formula. Meta titles should range between 50 and 60 characters and include keywords at the beginning.

Meta descriptions, on the other hand, should be around 155 characters in length. While they don’t have a direct effect on SEO, they have an impact on click-through rates, which indirectly affect SEO. Essentially, a higher click-through rate increases the chances of your business ranking for valuable positions.

Interestingly, speed is among the most ignored search engine ranking factors. Apart from affecting your website SEO, your site speed also significantly affects user experience. Typically, increasing your site speed by 1-second increases the bounce rate by 8.3% decreases site conversion rate by 3.5% and decreases page reviews by 9.4%.

Google recommends that a web page shouldn’t load for more than 3-4 seconds. The faster your website loads, the better. Therefore, work with SEO experts to identify and fix anything that slows down your web pages. Monitor your site’s bounce rate, time on site, and load time to understand your site’s performance. You can also use free tools to uncover various bottlenecks affecting your site’s speed.

By partnering with other sites through guest posting on their site, it is a powerful way to help build the power of your site. The key is finding sites that have equal or higher domain authority and traffic in relevant industries near yours.

If you need effective strategies for your eCommerce SEO, begin by implementing the tips mentioned above. Other tips you should consider include creating engaging content, making your webpage great for mobile devices, using pagination elements in categories, and creating unique product descriptions. However, keep in mind that all SEO strategies take time before showing results. Nonetheless, if executed properly, they have a long-lasting effect and significant organic traffic, which are key for high conversions and increased revenue.

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