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How to cancel your Amazon Prime subscription

We know that several shoppers take advantage of the free trial for Amazon Prime to snap up special seasonal promotions offered by the goliath of online commerce. However, many people forget to cancel their subscription and end up paying for the service without using it. Good news, we have a solution!

Amazon Prime is an excellent service that allows access to various services, early discounts and free shipping (even on the same day you order) for a monthly fee of £7.99/$12.99 or £79/$119 annually. However, it is also true that many users take advantage of the free one-month trial to benefit from the service only for certain occasions (Prime Day, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, etc…), but then forget to deactivate the registration and find themselves forced to pay the fee.

How to get a free Amazon Prime account for Amazon Prime Day 2019

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How to cancel your Amazon Prime subscription

In any case, whatever the reason why you decided to cancel your Amazon Prime membership, here’s how to do it in a few steps:

Go to the official Amazon website and log in with your account.

Mouse over the “Accounts and lists” item in the top right corner of the page and click on the “Your Prime Membership” tab.

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Locate “Your Prime Membership”. / © NextPit

On the next page, look for the item “End trial and Benefits” at the bottom left.

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Click on the link below to unsubscribe. / © NextPit

Finally, confirm the deletion by pressing the “I Don’t Want My Benefits” button at the bottom of the last page.

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Confirm by pressing the middle button! / © NextPit

Amazon Prime: how to get your subscription refunded

If you were unable to cancel your subscription in time, in some cases you may even be able to get a refund for paying for your Amazon Prime subscription without taking advantage of its benefits.

So, if Amazon automatically renews your subscription and charges you the applicable fee, you may be able to get your money back by making a simple request to support. If you are not granted a refund, you can still cancel your Prime membership and keep its benefits until the end of the paid subscription period.


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