Mining Ban Sparks Negative Reactions From Iran’s Crypto Community

Post Views: 366 The recently reintroduced seasonal ban on cryptocurrency mining has provoked backlash from the local crypto community. This week, the country’s power distribution company ordered miners to suspend activities citing electricity shortages during the hot summer months. Some Iranians believe that removing the cryptocurrency miners from the equation would have little effect…

Binance Announces New Payments Partner Amid Fiat Deposit and Withdrawal Suspension in Brazil

Post Views: 387 Binance has chosen a new payments partner amid the suspension of direct fiat deposits and withdrawals in Brazil. The company stated it will now work with Latam Gateway, a payments processing company that has been in the payments intermediation business since 2019. Binance reported it would be working to normalize the fiat…

Mark Zuckerberg Expects Billions of People to Use the Metaverse Generating Massive Revenue for Meta

Post Views: 345 Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, formerly Facebook, has shared how the metaverse will be a key part of his business and bring hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue. “Our playbook over time has been build services, try to serve as many people as possible,” said Zuckerberg. Mark Zuckerberg, the…

AENO gatavojas iekarot viedās sadzīves tehnikas tirgu Latvijā

2022. gada maijā viedās sadzīves tehnikas zīmols AENO paziņoja par pārdošanas uzsākšanu Latvijas tirgū.
2022. gada beigās zīmols plāno ieņemt 2-3% no Latvijas tirgus dažādās mazās sadzīves elektronikas kategorijās, pateicoties tās plašajai klātbūtnei gan tiešsaistes, gan bezsaistes tirgos.

My Liquidity Partner (MLP) Is Now Available for Trading on LBank Exchange

Post Views: 315 This is a press release. Readers should do their own due diligence before taking any actions related to the promoted company or any of its affiliates or services. is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection…

Pocket Network Advances Its Multichain Strategy With Latest Milestone

Post Views: 366 This is a press release. Readers should do their own due diligence before taking any actions related to the promoted company or any of its affiliates or services. is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection…

Meta Launches Meta Pay, a Metaverse Dedicated Digital Wallet

Post Views: 315 Meta, the metaverse-based platform, has announced the launch of a new wallet directed to support value interaction in the metaverse. Meta Pay, a rebrand of the former Facebook Pay service, will keep fulfilling the same functions that Facebook Pay did in the past, but will be developed as a universal way of…

Tencent Launches Extended Reality Unit to Tackle the Metaverse Market

Post Views: 396 Tencent, the Chinese technology and entertainment giant, announced the creation of its own metaverse-driven division. The division, named the extended reality unit, will be the one tasked with encompassing all metaverse-driven efforts, including hardware and software developments. According to reports, the company aims to employ over 300 in this unit, with Tencent…