South Korea Launches ‘Emergency’ Investigation Into Collapse of LUNA and UST

Post Views: 311 South Korea’s top financial regulators have launched an emergency investigation into the collapse of cryptocurrency LUNA and stablecoin UST. The authorities have asked domestic cryptocurrency exchanges to provide information relating to transactions and investors of the two coins. South Korea has launched an “emergency” investigation of domestic crypto exchange operators following…

Terra Community Plans to Vote on Forking the Chain — Launch May Airdrop a Billion New Tokens to Network Participants

Post Views: 364 Following the aftermath of Terra’s UST implosion, the blockchain project’s founder Do Kwon has been actively discussing the Terra ecosystem revival plans and one specific proposal will be voted on May 18. The plan is to fork the blockchain into a new chain that does not include an algorithmic stablecoin, and the…

United Investment Limited – Introduces Market Commentary for the Second Half of 2022

United Investment is a private investment boutique that provides world-class, professional and transparent financial advice to investors around the world. At United Investment, we understand that finding the right advisor can be a difficult task. United Investment’s advisors are experts in identifying areas and opportunities that are perfectly aligned with their client’s objectives.

L1 Ethereum Network Fees Drop to Levels Not Seen in Over 2 Months, L2 Fees Follow

Post Views: 301 Ethereum network fees have dropped a great deal this week, sliding under $10 per transaction to levels not seen since March 10, 2022. On May 17, the average ethereum transfer fee is 0.0027 ether or $5.68 per transaction. The cheaper fees on layer one (L1) have made it so layer two (L2)…

Square Enix to Reinforce Blockchain Bet, According to Latest Earnings Report

Post Views: 336 Square Enix has announced its new mid-term business plan, reinforcing its blockchain pivot according to the documents presented. The company will continue to invest in key companies in the blockchain arena, including Animoca Brands and The Sandbox, and will also consider other investments in the area. Square Enix recently sold its Western…