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Toyota’s GR Yaris experiments with a hydrogen combustion engine

Post Views: 382 Alternatively fueled cars are rising in popularity. While hybrids and electric cars are winning that particular race, hydrogen cars have languished at the back of the pack. In 2014, Toyota cornered the market with the Mirai—an electric car which charges using a hydrogen fuel cell— but hydrogen simply hasn’t gained popularity like…

Watch these rare ocean creatures caught on candid robot camera

Post Views: 474 With the rover’s powerful HD cameras and LED lights, MBARI researchers can detect and record wildlife that have hardly ever been glimpsed upon by human eyes. Take the giant phantom jelly, for example. First described in 1910 and identified in the 1960s, the species has been documented in six of the world’s…

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This tiny AI-powered robot is learning to explore the ocean on its own

Post Views: 480 “We’re imagining an approach for global ocean exploration where you take swarms of smaller robots of various types and populate the ocean with them for tracking, for climate change, for understanding the physics of the ocean,” says John O. Dabiri, a professor of aeronautics and mechanical engineering at the California Institute of…

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Which cars will be left in the dust by next year’s 3G shutdown?

Post Views: 443 Reading that, probably on a 5G-enabled device, you think, “Huh. Quaint.” But even if your smartphone’s network is several generations ahead, the same might not be true for your car. The truth is a large number of new cars made in the last decade, even some in the 2021 model year, were…

How banks are using technology to fight climate change eeb

How banks are using technology to fight climate change

Post Views: 430 The financial sector is powerful—top banks are worth hundreds of billions of dollars alone— servicing everyday people in need of bank accounts and large companies as well. But the financial sector was built to build profits even if that means getting involved in risky investments like fossil fuel projects. But to mitigate…

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What to know about the latest cybersecurity bug in log4j

Post Views: 356 “We have added this vulnerability to our catalog of known exploited vulnerabilities, which compels federal civilian agencies — and signals to non-federal partners — to urgently patch or remediate this vulnerability,” CISA director Jen Easterly wrote in the statement. The bug pertains to something called log4j, and one way that software engineers…

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This camera is as small as a grain of sand—but it still takes great pictures

Post Views: 367 Designed by a team of researchers from Princeton University and the University of Washington, the new system is detailed in a paper published last week in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Communications. It replaces the complex and bulky compound lens found in most cameras. With a metasurface that’s just 0.5mm wide, the camera…